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We help companies significantly reduce their litigation costs and improve customer LTV through deep data

Consumer litigation is a big cost for many companies in Brazil, and many firms have the perception that the cost is caused by external factors and there is not much else to do. Our experience shows that, in fact, 60% of the factors that cause companies to be convicted are entirely within their control. We have a deep data-based solution that allows companies to identify exactly why they were convicted, what evidence and arguments work best, what are the most effective legal brief models and law firms, and even when and for how much to settle, in order to deliver a significant reduction in the total cost of the portfolio; our predictive capacity is such that we have achieved an 82% accuracy in predicting whether or not the company will be convicted. With a proprietary Artificial Intelligence algorithm, we read almost 50,000 pages of lawsuits in 15 minutes, extracting 280,000 data points.

  Before lawsuit filing

  • Portfolio monitoring (ligation root causes, plaintiff demands, contract vintage, plaintiff attorneys) and action plan for root causes

  • Action plan for higher volume attorneys

  • Monitoring and acting on the trigger for the lawsuit to be filed


   After lawsuit filing

  • Optimization and customization of legal briefs

  • Optimization of the evidence and arguments script according to data and conviction rateso

  • Engagement plan for judges with the highest conviction rates

  • Increased assertiveness in the settlement policy

  • Reduced settlement costs through instant payments for the plaintiff

  • Elimination of leaks in the financial settlement of convictions (due to calculation errors, failure to withdraw legal deposits, etc.)

© 2020 by Nexilis Intellectual & Financial Capital

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